In order for MapGeo to access data and present it on the site, each field must be mapped on the Data Sources page (also called Data Views). Primary Sources are either a single file that includes both the geometry and data or are three files (Data, Geometry, and Intersection). They are used for queries and searches on the site and are required. Secondary Sources can be mapped as well - these are usually the data files for themes or files used in conjunction with the primary data. Data sources must come from existing data layers that have already been uploaded to the site. Check Multiple Tables with an Intersection Table to setup Primary Sources with three files, otherwise a single file will be set. Data Source requirements and specifications are explained further in a separate document.
Data Sources can be downloaded as CSV or GeoJSON, but only the information that is in MapGeo can be downloaded. Simply click the Download link in the top right of the primary data sources, or the Download button for the secondary sources, to download the data. MapGeo currently does not support the download of shapefiles. However, QGIS can convert GeoJSON to Shapefile if you need it.
Editing/Setting up Data Sources
Select the Table Name from the dropdown list or by using the search functionality. Primary attributes (such as id, displayName, and geometry) must be setup for the site to work properly. You can include additional Custom Attributes to use on the site by clicking ‘Show All’. The Attribute field links to a specific field in your data table, while the Key field determines what it will be called across the MapGeo Dashboard, so that each time you want to display a field from your data you are using the Key field, not the Attribute field. The Type field specifies the type of data - this is especially helpful when configuring dates and decimals