The Search section is where you can configure the Quick Search and Advanced Search functionality. Place is used to limit Google Place results. Typically, this is set to the municipality or the state that the map is centered on. Search Fields are automatically populated with id and displayName. These search fields are pulled from the primary data source. 

To add additional search fields click Add Field and fill in the Key from data sources and a Label for that search field. Type determines how the user will enter criteria for the search. It can be used in quick search (which also gives a text box in advanced search), set up as a range with a range slider, or set as a select drop down. Card Fields populate the data fields that appear in the search results list. The default is displayName and id, but these can be edited. A typical addition for Property is Owner Name. 

Note that you can only have a maximum of 3 fields displayed for Cards, but can have an unlimited number of searchable fields in the Advanced Search functionality