Membership Tab
The membership tab is where you configure access of the MapGeo site by creating users and assigning a role to each user. Each role can have a different set of permission for what data and functionalities they have access to on the site. Each user with a login can be assigned to set roles. When first setting up your website, we suggest that for your convenience, you set up the roles subtab first, then the general subtab, then the users subtab.
Here you can set the Default Role, which is the role any public or anonymous user will be assigned when visiting the site. You can also choose to Allow users to request an account, though we recommend leaving it unchecked. Additionally, you can select Auto-register Google OAuth users on first login if the users have a google account to make logging in faster. Finally, you can set the entire site behind a login, with Login Access Only. If enabled, a user will need an account to login and view data hidden from public view. For more specific permissions, you will need to configure user access in the Roles section.
This tab displays the list of users with logins and their set role. To add a new user, click the button in the top right corner, and add their name, email, and set their role. You can toggle whether the user Subscribes to Community Notifications, which sends them an email whenever someone submits new feedback.
Once a user is created, depending on the given role, that user might have the ability to create API Tokens which allow API access with blocked data exposed.
To enable API Access for a role, edit the role in question and enable API Access under General > Dashboard. Once the role is updated, any users with that role will have access to the Tokens interface.
This interface is simple and allows you to create and delete tokens.
A token requires a description, so it's easy to identify what a token is used for.
This is where you can create and edit different roles. When editing or adding a role, you can hover over the question mark icon next to each feature to view a detailed description of the feature. For each role, you have the option of setting permissions and blocking access for each dataset and the overall site. Under General, when creating or editing a role, you set users' permissions for general Dashboard and/or API access by checking the boxes under "View". For specific access restrictions within the Dashboard (i.e. General, Datasets, Memberships, etc.), you can add Blocked Navigation Groups from the drop-down menu. This will allow them to only use certain portions of the Dashboard.
Each dataset can have different permissions and access, which are set by clicking the dataset name listed below General. This can be configured through the three tabs available, (Data, UI/Map, and Dashboard), each of which controls access to a different portion of the site for each dataset. For the public-facing role, "View" should remain UNCHECKED for Dashboard Permissions.