Learn how to add load your ArcServer data to MapGeo Studio for use on MapGeo Viewer.

Last updated: November 11, 2020


  • Access to MapGeo Studio and the MapGeo Console

  • ESRI ArcGIS Server Map Service ready to publish

The easiest way to load new data to MapGeo Studio is open MapGeo Studio and navigate to the Datasets Page. Click the green New Dataset Button under Datasets. From here, you can add data from several data sources, including ESRI ArcGIS Server.  

  • Click the green New Dataset Button in MapGeo Studio

  • Select the ArcGIS Server Data source button

  • Paste the ESRI ArcGIS Server layer url from your into the ArcGIS Import box and hit Submit. (You can find the layer url by clicking the layer name in the ArcGIS REST services directory.)

  • Choose the frequency of data syncing that best matches the update frequency of the data, if known. If the data is updated constantly, a daily update maybe appropriate. Static data, or rarely updated data does not need to be synced as automatic refreshes are not needed.

  • The data will load to MapGeo Studio. This can take several minutes.


Once loaded, the data can be added to visualizations or added as a layer in MapGeo Console

Helpful Hints:

  • Adding syncing will prevent changes to the data within MapGeo Studio. This includes adding the required prefix to the dataset name. If possible, publish the data layer with the prefix required by your account.

  • Pre-existing symbology from ArcGIS Server will not be added to the dataset in MapGeo Studio. The data will need to be symbolized using CartoCSS.

Next: Create a Basemap or Create a Theme