Learn how to download your search results in several different formats.
Last updated: July 13, 2020
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You can download your search or abutter results in a spreadsheet, mailing label format, or abutters report. Let’s break it down, and watch this video to learn more!
In order to save your search results in a spreadsheet format, search for an address, owner, street number, etc. in the search bar. We will use the Spencer, MA MapGeo site, and search for “School St”.
Once you hit enter for your search query, the search panel will pop out from the right side of the page.
Click the “Download Results” button.
This will open a Download Results window which will give you two options to download your results: in a Spreadsheet format, or as Mailing Labels.
Clicking on the Spreadsheet option will immediately download an Excel spreadsheet of the search results. Check your downloads folder or downloads tab in your browser to find the spreadsheet.
Mailing Labels
To download mailing labels, follow all of the previous steps for Spreadsheet downloads, but instead click on “Mailing Labels”. This will immediately download your search results as a PDF, with each search results written out in a mailing address format.
Abutter’s Report
In order to download an Abutter’s Report, you will need to select one or more properties on the map.
Once you have selected the property for which you would like to generate abutters, click on the
button in the top right corner of the map.
Enter your desired abutting distance, and click “Find”. Once the results are populated, click on “Download Results”. This will bring up the same window as the previous two download types, but this window will have a third option, the “Abutters Report”.
The Abutters Report will immediately download the abutting properties as a PDF.