Here are some ideas of how Spatial IQ for MapGeo is bringing additional value to communities through creative MapGeo configurations and interesting projects.
- Visualize Data by Attribute Information
- Add Themes to MapGeo
- Add Data Views to MapGeo
- Provide information about a property with spatial intersects
- Access Detailed Information with Pop-Ups
- Link Images & Documents
- Development Potential Analyses
- Zoning Conformance Analyses
Visualize Data by Attribute Information
Utility Data Visualizations
Use any of the attribute fields in your data to create a quick visualization of your data in multiple ways. See how a client has leveraged the attributes in their utility data to add several themes based on different attribute information
Visualizing Assessors Data
Our Assessors Theme package allows you to view parcel data joined to the CAMA data allowing for multiple visualizations:
- Building Value
- Land Value
- Total Value
- Parcel Area
- Last Sale Year
- Last Sale Price
- Assessment to Sales Ratio
- Neighborhood

Add Themes to MapGeo
Food Insecurity Theme Group
While food insecurity has always been an issue in our communities, the pandemic has definitely brought the issue front and center. We developed a theme group for West Hartford which included local food pantry locations and drive time polygons indicating driving and walking distances to them. The theme group also had some social vulnerability data based on ACS data including households with no vehicle available or civilian noninstitutionalized population with a disability estimate and several others.
Looking at different sets of data in the context of others provides insights into where there might be gaps in resources and can be helpful for planning.
Street Signs Inventory
Have AppGeo create a street signs inventory dataset using Street View (Google or Bing Street View) for your municipal-owned streets. Add the new layer to MapGeo for easy access. Engage with your Project Manager to discuss details regarding sign types, schedule, cost, and potential fieldwork. This Street Signs theme pictured below is behind a login on the town's MapGeo site and is only available for town staff to view.
Trash and Recycling Routes
The Town of Windsor Locks, CT has added a Recycling theme to their MapGeo site to show which day of the week trash and recycling get picked up on. The town provided AppGeo a list of streets names and identified which day of the week trash/recycle was picked up for that particular street.
The Town of North Andover MA has areas mapped for their Trash and Recycling Routes. Additionally when you click on a parcel the property information panel will tell you which route you are on, the pick up day and links to calendars.
Snow Plow Routes
The Town of Windsor Locks, CT has added a Snow Plow Routes theme to their MapGeo site to show the different plow routes around town based on the street. The town provided AppGeo a list of streets names and identified which plow route that particular street is assigned.
Recreational Trails
Get information to your citizens and tourists on recreation opportunities in town through MapGeo. There are several examples of themes with recreational trails. See some below:
The Nashua Regional Planning Commission has added hiking and snowmobile trails to their MapGeo site. If you have parks, trails, or other recreation data we can add it as a theme or basemap addition
Newport RI is displaying their famous Cliff Walk on MapGeo. The Cliff Walk theme displays access points, trail difficulty levels, and trail markers with image pop-ups of the mansions along the walk.
The Town of Ellington, CT has added a trails layers to their Open Space theme on MapGeo. The town-owned trails are linked to trail maps that are hosted on MapGeo, and state trails are linked to the State's website for more information.
Parks and Recreation
New Milford, CT has used MapGeo data views to connect their citizens to information about their local parks and recreation sites.
Albany NY offers great resources for citizens on their MapGeo site including green spaces nearby the selected property.
Precinct Boundaries & Voting Information
Several MapGeo clients have precinct boundaries and voting information including polling places and ballot boxes on their MapGeo sites including some with driving times and walking times to those locations. New Milford, CT is one of those towns with drive and walk time themes.
Roadwork Status
The City of Pittsfield MA displays road work projects on their MapGeo site. It is a great resource for citizens to find out about road work projects that may affect their neighborhood and the status of those projects. They also have information about street status - another critical piece of information for New England towns and cities.
Zoning Details
Going beyond just displaying zoning data Portsmouth NH has information about maximum building heights for different height requirement areas and required facade types. If data like this or some variation of it is important for your town of city then we can help you develop the data and display it on MapGeo.
Add Data Views to MapGeo
Do you have an additional dataset that you would like to search on other than your parcel data. We can set up a data view on your MapGeo site to query on any other dataset.
The Town of West Hartford, CT provides their cemetery plots, lots and burial information to the public to assist with easy identification of burial locations. If you don't have cemetery mapping available, work with AppGeo to create the GIS data, link it up with your burial information, and then publish it to MapGeo.
The Town of Manchester by the Sea, MA has a moorings database which is has point locations of moorings and associated information like owner name, boat type etc. which can be displayed and queried.
Provide information about a property with spatial intersects
We can set up a spatial search on MapGeo such that it will identify other spatial features at a set distance from a property or what features the property lies within. So for example a one mile buffer around a property will return all the nearby greenspaces within that buffer and we can also tell you what "zone" a property falls under. This can be done for any feature as long as we have access to the data.
Nearby Greenspaces
The City of Albany, NY has linked city greenspace data to their property data so users are able to select a property and see greenspaces within walking distance. The greenspace data includes parks, recreation facilities, community gardens, and more!
Identify Property's Zone
Several MapGeo sites have this information included in the property information panel. You can provide any information about the property with a simple spatial intersect - the trash pickup day, ward, precinct, or zone. The North Andover MA MapGeo site allows you to quickly identify the zone and overlay district on the property information panel even without turning on the theme.
Access Detailed Information with Pop-Ups
Most GIS data has attribute information about the feature that cannot always be displayed on the map. On MapGeo we can include pop-ups which appear on clicking the feature. These pop-ups can display as many attributes as you would like. We can configure it to display all or just a few attributes. This is particularly useful with utility data but can be implemented for any feature.
Pop-Ups on Points
The Town of North Andover MA has pop-ups on Community Preservation Commission Projects providing details about the project
Pop-Ups on Lines
Typical utility features like sewer gravity mains and storm drain lines can also have pop-ups with details. The Town of Northborough has pop-ups on the sewer data.
Link Images & Documents
Original plans typically have a lot of detailed information that might not be captured in the GIS data. This is especially true of utility features. It is possible to make the plans available on MapGeo by linking the plan to the GIS data.
Link Plans to Utility Features
The Town of Chelmsford has made their contract drawings available on their MapGeo site so that town staff do not have to respond to plan requests. Contractors can access them easily on MapGeo.
The Town of Ellington, CT has their drainage and sewer plans linked to the data on MapGeo for easy access to detailed feature information that is not available on MapGeo.
The Town of Cromwell, CT links their Sewer Lateral Cards to the parcel data on MapGeo. In the example below, this particular property has two lateral cards, which is indicated by the "2" in the circle in the Sewer Lateral Group in the property panel.
Development Potential Analyses
In the following buildout analyses, AppGeo was tasked to identify parcels with development potential based on specific criteria set by the town. Some examples include the parcel must: not have a slope greater than X%, not be in the wetlands or a watercourse, not within the flood zone, not be preserver/protected open space or farmland, and be greater than a specific acreage.
Zoning Conformance Analyses
The Town of Johnston, RI wanted to identify parcels that did not conform to the zoning requirements. AppGeo created an Esri Story Map for the town to show other town officials the lots that are non-conforming to determine a plan of action to resolve the issues.
Active Construction Theme
The City of Watertown, MA desired to keep an active and visible spatial record of all the active and previous construction work done around the city. AppGeo created a workflow that has the city's Department of Public Works send over their weekly construction updates list. Once received, the team translates the on-going construction work to spatial points and lines around the town along with the specifics of the construction work recorded on each construction location. The construction work that has been completed is then migrated to a historic construction theme. This allows both the public, as well as town staff, to view the location of current construction work going on around the city. The staff also have access to a complete record of all previous construction done since the project's inception to help with planning efforts.